Join Hadleigh Environmental Action Team

As climate change worsens, HEAT needs to be doing more to restore nature and reduce carbon emissions. We would also like to involve more people in deciding what HEAT does in Hadleigh. If you value HEAT and would like to support us as we take on bigger projects, we invite you to become a Member.

Being a member will enable you to show your support for HEAT’s work and, if you wish, to have more of a say in what we do.

It only costs £12 a year (£5 unwaged) – though some people are paying more to help our funds go further. Membership means you can have your say at decision making meetings, come to member only events, vote for Directors and stand as one if you want. If you value HEAT and would like to support us as we take on bigger projects, we invite you to move from being a supporter to a member.

If you would like to become a member of HEAT, please download and complete a Membership Form and email this back to

If you prefer, you can keep up to date with what HEAT are doing by becoming a Supporter, this is free and you will receive a regular monthly email newsletter detailing all upcoming events and information about our current projects. To become a supporter simply contact us at the email address below or complete the form below: